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🎞️ Calibration

Intro to calibrating the Waved system

Updated over a week ago

Once installation is complete, a full calibration of each automated Zone must be set.

It's essential to complete a thorough calibration to make sure Waved reacts to guest noise levels appropriately, automatically adjusting music volume according to client wishes and the venue's concept.

Calibration settings will likely vary from Zone to Zone and between different sound systems or venue concepts. Adjusted settings can be highly sensitive for quicker reaction to changes in guest traffic or subtle for progressive volume changes over time.

It's essential that volume levels are agreed with the client, manager or venue admin on site. Calibrations can then be fine tuned later for more accuracy or adjusted back to historic settings whenever necessary.

The steps below will help guide you through a successful calibration process:

Step 1: set the opening volume

In the Waved app, first go to Settings, then Venue Settings and Calibration.

Group names and automated Zones that were set up during installation will appear here, in expandable boxes. Each box will require a separate calibration.

The Low, Med, High and Base values need to be adjusted separately, per zone, to compensate for factors such as Zone size, acoustics, speaker number and placement.

Expand the first Zone using the β¬‡οΈŽ arrow on the right to show the calibration navigation below. If Waved automation is green and On the volume slider will be grey and inactive.

Next toggle the green W (Waved automation) button Off and manually adjust the green volume slider to a comfortable level, which would typically be used at the start of service. Then move the left β Ώ slider below to line up with the opening volume level you have just set. This will also relatively adjust all values before following Step 2.

Step 2: set the high volume

The second step is to set the high volume range that would typically be used during busier evenings or weekend service when the venue is reaching full guest capacity.

Do this by gradually moving the green volume slider to the right, to a reasonably loud or slightly louder than comfortable level. The higher level is harder to set in an empty venue, but a sensible assumption can be made at this point and fine tuned later after the sound testing described in Step 4.

Next, move the right β€– slider below to line up with the higher volume you have just set. The previously set left β Ώ slider will stay fixed in position to allow a full volume range.

Step 3: adjust the base level

Once the starting and high volume calibration points have been set, the base level must be adjusted. This setting will determine the sensitivity of a Zone and the live decibel change necessary to trigger an automatic change in volume during service.

Move the green volume slider back to the opening volume level you first set and expand the Base ambience decibel navigation below using the next β¬‡οΈŽ arrow below on the right to show the live decibel graph below.

Allow a few minutes for the system to respond back to the lower volume level and for the sensors to start calculating live and average decibel readings shown in the graph.

Once the dashed blue Live average line settles to a steady level, use the + or βˆ’ buttons on the right to lower or raise the purple Base line to roughly ~2.00dB above the running Live average.

Important: it's essential that the base level is only set when the volume level is at the optimal lower opening volume you have previously set. Ideally the venue should be empty and reasonably quiet. Nevertheless, the solid blue live decibel line will keep moving depending how much activity there is in the Zone at the time - that is normal!

Step 4: save & test each zone

Once the first 3 steps are complete and you are happy with the calibration settings you can select Save to set the Calibration for that Zone. After saving you will notice the Low, Med, High and Base values and ambience graph update accordingly.

Repeat Steps 1-4 for each expandable box representing a separate Automated Zone. Remembering that each Zone may differ and you will likely save different values according to the difference in Zone size, acoustics, number and placement of speakers previously mentioned in Step 1.

Once all Zones have been calibrated, return to the Home screen, turn Waved automation On and test all vibe levels in the venue collectively. Start all Zones from the mid-vibe and sound check the space by moving around the venue. This is particularly important for neighbouring zones so the sound picture is consistent.

Test the volume range through up to the highest vibe levels, collectively while you walk around the venue, to sense check the calibration and confirm you are happy with the saved calibration settings. Check the Venue manager is happy with the volume levels and move onto Step 5, if you need to make any adjustments or if a particular Zone sounds different to a neighbouring Zone.

Step 5: fine tune or recalibrate

It's always possible to fine tune or adjust a calibration later if something isn't set correctly or if a certain volume Zone doesn't adjust the same or as intended.

Generally speaking if a calibration is executed correctly from the start, then only minimal fine tune adjustments will be necessary after the first week of live testing.

To fine tune any calibration, first adjust the left β Ώ slider to change the Low value or mid vibe starting volume and relatively lower all values. If necessary also adjust the right β€– slider to change only the Med and High volume ranges accordingly.

Depending on the calibration adjustments made, either +0.00vb or -0.00vb vibe indicators will appear above the Low, Med, and High values to provide a quick reference in terms of relative vibe change. This is equivalent to changing the vibe in the Home screen and helpful for sanity checking any adjustments made.

Important: as a general rule, changes of more than 2.00vb or 3.00vb vibe changes can dramatically change the volume of a particular Zone or whole venue. So it's very important to repeat Step 4 and retest the volume levels again after any recalibration.

Step 6: calibration history

It's also possible revert to an historic calibration setting if necessary.

The History button at the bottom of each box will present a Calibration History pop-up of all previously saved calibrations, the date they were set and the User who set them for future reference.

This can be particularly helpful for recovering a previous calibration, when new settings are incorrect or prematurely saved before testing. Simply scroll down to the reference date and calibration values you want to recover and select Apply.

Note: if stuck or in doubt please contact Waved for any further calibration assistance.

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